Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Frozen Highway

Edit 8/13/2014:  I posted this when "Frozen Highway" was still in draft - but have left it up so people can see how the novel evolved as I continued writing it.

Alaska must have cast a spell on me. Once again, I am working on a novel that is set primarily in the winter during a blizzard. Isaac Henry is driving alone on the Alaska Highway in late November, trying to get home for Thanksgiving as a winter storm threatens. He witnesses a murder - and finds himself hunted on a lone stretch of highway by a strange tattooed man who claims "he's one of them."

"The Frozen Highway" is the story of a disillusioned Iraqi war veteran who was wounded overseas. Upon return, he and his family are the victims of inner city crime at their home in Georgia. Failing to find work and growing concerned about the world around him, Isaac makes the difficult decision to leave his extended family. They move to Alaska - ostensibly for freedom and security - but find themselves terrorized by a delusional militia leader looking to spark a revolution.

What began as a simple idea - a man freezing to death after an accident - has taken me to exciting places.  I never expected to write a novel exploring the dark underbelly of organized militias - but the pages now lay before me.

With a lot of hard work ahread of me, my plan is to publish "The Frozen Highway" by Christmas 2014.  Look here for a free download of the first chapters - Part I of the novel - in June.

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